Friday, July 3, 2009


So, summer's here. Ha, and I am Summer. My favorite season is summer, as you would assume. 

So anyway, a lot is going on with me. I'm not sure who I like, and I lost my best friend. Luna and I aren't friends anymore. I wish she never had to get involved in a fight that didn't even have to do with her. If she hadn't we'd still be friends. I'd write her a postcard at camp, I'd leave her 109283094372980 voicemails saying how much I miss her. But I wont. We have been best friends since third grade, when she was a new girl. On the first day I accepted her, saying, "My sister says to be friends with the new girl. Want to be my best friend?" We pinky swore. What kind of world do we live in where pinky swears don't mean anything? Haha, but really.

Clementine and I are still tight. That's good. I have a whole bunch of other friends too. I met this really hot guy today on the beach. I hope something will happen with him. 

...if you know what I mean ;)

Write later.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

oh my god. i have turned into a freak. i am practically quarantined. so i have the flu. 
my medication?
missing two exams. wearing a mask when going outside. and being publicly humiliated.
everyone is badgering me with questions like do you have the swine flu?
my and summer have been banned from school for 7 days because the school doeesn't want us to infect others. psht whatever that means... I actually stayed home all weekend studying for final exams and then they have to be postponed by the flu. I studied all weekend and I actually made no plans! also, if i want to go to the fair this friday i have to wear a mask, and noone wants to hook up with a girl who has a fatal disease! (but not really) me and summer had to eat that jar of peanut butter.
i am OBSESSED with heavy rock. up to the point where its almost screamo.. I never thought it would come to this... but it did. i can't stop listening to it! viva la cobra! :) 
hellz yeah b*tches 


Classic FML story: 

Today, I got sick. I had been studying all weekend for my huge exams from Tuesday to Friday, and did not even go outside for the whole long weekend. Because of this, I got sick. I am not able to take my exams for another week. FML.

I know what you are thinking. Sucks for that girl. I know. SHE'S ME. I had a sleepover with Luna and she ended up GETTING ME SICK! Wtf. 

So basically, I am banned from going back to school until Monday. I spent my ENTIRE THREE-DAY WEEKEND STUDYING. ENTIRE. Fmlfmlfmlfmlfmlfml.

Also, there was a fair Friday and I was going to go to a movie with my new boyfriend. Guess I can't go to that either. 

OH YEAH! HIM! I have to tell you all about him. Just ask my friends ;)

....if you know what I mean. 


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Last day till nothing

Okay, so lately not much has happened. I decided that this fight with Clementine is ridiculous. So, we called a truce.

Anyways, lately not much has happened. I got in this fight with Christian, and I am still upset about it. Whatevs.

So ... Clementine and Luna MAY be coming over later. I still have homework to do (OH MY GOD! ITS THE DAY BEFORE! JKFLDAJFDKALS;J;) so I am spazzing. If they do come over, we will be doing homework.

Ew. It sucks the last day of break is all homework. Whatever I still have to keep up!

I wonder if me and Christian will make up....

If you know what I mean ;)


Saturday, March 28, 2009

models still eat food.

Summer. gave me the number for anger management instead of christian! can you believe that!? what a crazy..i should send her an angry letter... anyways, a really big event for me is coming up and luna is going to help me with an outfit choice. i'm seeing christian. :) this weekend at garrett's big birthday bash. hm..i wonder if christian will be there so i can talk to him since SOMEONE stopped me from calling him. but anyways, yesterday i was with summer -theultradevilchild- and luna -thechillsweetkindfriend- we went to lunch and i was sooo not hungry from the HUGE breakfast i ate so i didn't have that much lunch. summer automatically thinks im anorexic and SCREAAAMSS out "CLEMMIE ARE YOU ANO!?" she texts all these people that i'm anorexic...what a rumor starter. but i fire it right back at her by telling all the incoming texts that i'm not anorexic i'm just naturally thin for modeling. 
so now guys think i'm a model but it turns out trevor liked the old me and was going to ask me out! (how ironic) and now he thinks the modeling might go to my head and i might be full of myself so NOW i have to convince him that i'm still the old me without getting people to know i'm not a model and everyone thinking  i'm a HUGE FAKE. FML.

life is one big twist...

love, Clemmie xo

Friday, March 27, 2009



Summer and Clementine are being SO immature. They're best friends and all they do is plan ways to ruin eachother. They're becoming more like frenemies. Am i the only chill person on this planet? HELLZ YEAH BITCHES. I'm getting sick of them! I need NAOMI AND AVERY!! Naomi and Avery are our other best friends that have been in california and the bahamas. lucky bitches. Excuse my french I'm not exactly in the best mood.
 why? :

1. I've been in the city the whole break with Clementine and Summer, not the best crowd. Who cares if they're my best friends they're REALLY pissing me off.

2. Naomi and Avery aren't here. I miss them terribly!

3. I'm bored
4. There's nothing dramatic going on in my life like Summer and Clem. 

5. I can't stop thinking about Seth...


see? im turning into that retarded clementine!! i just spazzed. WITH MY FINGERS.

xxx bye till i have something interesting to write about. :( 

lllllluuuuuuunnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaa :(

if they wanna leave me out. fine. just wait and see what i do to those skanks.

clementine just did the strangest thing...

Okay. So everyone knows that Clementine is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, but lately she has been acting like she IS. 

A few minutes ago I realized that maybe this smartness has worn off. She called me.

"Hey Summer."
"Hi Clementine."
"Uhm...can I please have Christian's number? I want to use it to call him and destroy you."
"Oh..." What was she saying? THE OLD CLEMENTINE IS BACK! "Sure! It is 555-2852." I gave her the number of our local anger management center. 
"Thanks!" she replied. "Well, I gotta go call him. Kisses!" She hung up.


yay :)

I gotta go call someone....

if you know what i mean ;)



summer. what do i think of summer. bitch? yes. hoe? yes. back stabber? yes. despite all this she is still my best friend. she DID get trevor to want to ask me out. she told me herself! i can't believe it im so HAPPY! 
aw man..what if this is ANOTHER one of her bitchy plots. what do i do? i don't know, what if she's being a good friend. psh..thats hard to believe when it comes to boys. i think i should call trevor and ask him myself so i don't humiliate myself. calling him now..
that LYING BACKSTABBING HOEBAG. I WILL MAKE HER WISH SHE WAS NEVER BORN. hmph..shes not even that pretty, guys only like her because her father is the co-creator of apple so she give them free ipods. there i said it. WAHHHH..NOW HE PROBABLY THINKS IM SOME TYPE OF not a stalker.. I just know where he lives, his birthday, what time he goes to bed, how many siblings he has, what are the names of his family members, his blood type and a lot of other things.. calling christian.. ;)

my plan is now in you want to know what it is? you'll have to wait and see.. muahahahahahahahahhahaha. i just have to make sure she grabs the bait. 

until next time, Clemmie xo

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dinner with creepers


i went to dinner with Clementine and Luna. Usually these kinds of things are fun, but today they started getting all mean. They spazzed at me for going to the movie today...I am not sure what I did. 

Clementine looked like she was plotting something. Hm. She kept looking at me and smirking. And when i looked at her with a quizzical look, her eyes flashed and she looked away. It is kind of creepy.

And up with her? Spaz much? Well at least she came out and told me what she was mad about. Me flirting with Seth. I CAN'T HELP IT! I do not even notice! Well I did notice him smiling at me today at Bloomies.....NO NO NO! He is Luna's! GET IT IN MY HEAD!

But Clementine....what the hell? No! What is wrong with her? SHE NEEDS TO CHILL! I do not even know what I did. And I do not know what she is plotting. Whatever. I'll trick her. If she wants to be all rude, I can be that way back. I have known her for a long time and I know one thing for certain - she is easy to fool. I'll keep you updated. :)

So anyway we went to dinner and besides my friends being mean and my brother and all his friends spazzing, and I had a good time. The dessert was wonderful! 

But now I am upset. Am I going to lose my best friends? This is so unfair! For Clementine, I dont even know what I did! 

I NEED TO STOP BEING UPSET ABOUT THIS! if she doesnt want to be my friend, she wont be. two can play this game.

if you know what i mean ;)


At Bloomies... :o

heyhey. Just got home from bloomies. I got the cuuutest things! But that's besides the point, there was a huge cat-fight! Summer was like "so today, Trevor was so sweet," and that's when Clem attacked. She legit jumped on her and bit her and punched her in the boob. And that HURTS. I told her to get off because, she looked like a psycho freak and she stopped. She was like "I'll stop if summer stops being such a hoe." They were yelling! I probably need a hearing aid now! They went on and on dissing eachother and telling eachother off when I turn around and see Seth, and his little sister...? Uhm why was a 13 year old hottie in bloomies with his LITTLE SISTER.. Anyway I slowly creep away from Summer and Clementine's bitch-fight to approach Seth. "I didn't know you liked Juicy." I said. He turned around with a scared look and then laughed because it was just me. Me and Seth are pretty good friends. He gave me a hug and said "I loooveee Juicy duh." He's such a goof. By then, Summer and Clem noticed he was there and stopped before he heard and told Trevor. Summer, came up to him and said "Hey sexy." He looked at her and smiled but then turned and saw me trying to hold in my laugh. He like everyone else falls for Summer and he always tells me he doesn't. So I proved him wrong! Weeelllllll Clem's online so I'm gunna have to listen to hear talk about Trevor for another HOURR so bye bye! <3
lllluuuunnnnnnaaaaaaaaaa :)


WTFFF. Boldi heard summer went to the movies with TREVOR. and she did more then just watch the movie.. i heard she had some action with TREVOR? what is her problem. i will BEAT HER FACE IN. and i have to see her tonight. oh god..i will actually eat her instead of my dinner. im so PISSED. well..i guess i just have to fight fire with fire..lets give christian a call ;) she thinks i'm stupid? let's hear what she says after i have a talk with christian..her time is coming 
that flirtatious skanky boy crazy school obsessed self absorbed biotch

kisses, Clemmie xo


Heeyy. I am so weirded out! This girl Jennifer sent me a link to a vid of old people dancing. WTF. I don't even talk to her. Well anyway, then she started bringing up conversation and everything. I was like "talk to the hand beeyotch I don't know you." Well it was actually more like "uhm I don't know you sorrry." and then i stopped responding to her ims. I know i should've been more friendly but I'm really NOT in the mood. Apparently, Summer went to the movies with guys today instead of with me and Clemmie. rude much? She's on my bad list. Clem is still clueless about what happened. Typical. Oh and the worst thing was, she went to the movies with not only guys, she went with SETH. I'm okay with her going to a movie with him because, I'm not dating him or anything but, it's summer, she probably flirted with every guy there. I don't know. Ugh, this freak Erika just imed me. She's lucky I don't block her. I'm so nice sometimes it shocks me. Back to the point, me clemmie and summer are going shopping later, so there's gunna be ALOT of drama. x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0xx0x0x0x0
luunnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaa :)



okahy. So instead of going out with Clementine and Luna, I decided to go out with some guys. :)


We went to go see a movie. Knowing. 


So I was sitting in the seat and then Jack leans over and is like "hey". And i'm all "hey there". and then he was like totally into me and leaned in to kiss me. but then i was like waiiiiitttt i like christian! and i looked over at him and he was watching the movie so i was like poop.

so then michael was like "hey summer". and i fluttered my eyelashes and said "hey". He put his arm around me and then when the weird whisper people came i hugged him because i was scared.

still no christian. I CAN LIVE WITHOUT HIM. Can't I?

more things happened...if you know what i mean. ;)


Summer <3

Chill Your Nips, Mother.

ew. ew. ew. ew. ew. ew. ew. its clemm and my mom just like spazzed at me for no reason. pmsing much? she needs to go chill herself and go away. she gives me headaches. asfi0 p9as9ioskajif09f spaifksajio  what a freak. and now i can't go out with luna and summer and summer is like mad at me for it...? i don't know. she has to chill her nips too. my head hurts. i need advil. or warm tea. i need inspiration. what
whaiojsakrl os;af8sai

love, Clemmie xo

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

HEYY. its lunaa. i just took a shower thank god. i feel so fresh! but unfortunately, we have spring break reading which i'm supposed to be doing right now.. mehee .B.A.M.F. I wonder if clemmie's read it already?? of course summer has. gr. she just has to have a perfect grade all the time doesn't she? my house feels so quiet because summer and cleemm left and i've spent the whole week with them. We've been going running, to maintain our hot bods :) . I NEED PEOPLE! i hate this! All i have at home is my tardface brother singing sweet child of mine and eating tacos, and my dad telling me to read. ughh. I'm brushing my hair :) its so soft and pretty! I've been using this shampoo and its sick. Godd last night was so fun! We spazzed like the whole night. We played the game life because we had nothing better to do.. haha how cool are we? pretty cool. PRETTY COOL. In the game, summer had 2 cars full of children. It was so funny because that probably is gunna be her when she grows up. Getting it on with christian! She likes this guy Christian who is her best friend which sucks because she kindof wants more than friendship! Whatever she'll probably get over him in like a week. Christian. Trevor. ...Seth? Clementine was a teeeny bit obsessed with Trevor and even though she says she's over him I think there's something still burning in that fire. WOW THAT WAS SKETCHY. anyway...seth.. I don't know if I like seth anymore because everyone says he's gotten so full of himself! (who said that's a bad thing!) I don't know... he's more of a friend. Im sick of this for now... bye ! xoxoxxox i love you! ♡♡♡♡♡ lluuuuunnnnnnaaaaaa. :)


Ew. I am so upset because my mom is making me stay home for the rest of the day AND tomorrow. Doing what? Homework and READING. She says I have to read for 3 hours. Yeah right.

I have gotten invites to hang out but no. I have to stay inside.


I had a sleepover with Clementine and Luna yesterday. We had a lot of fun and we played Life. BEST LIFE GAME EVER! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha

my life.

I love those girls.

write later, 

S <3

Introduction of Moi, Clemmie :)

Hey guys..and girls..but mostly guys ;) It's Clementine but you can call me Clemmie. Today was like...whats the word...i don't know but yeah it was like yeah. Last night i crashed at Luna's Pad with her and Summer. It was really fun but at one point Summer TOTALLY spazzed at me and was all like "iuaso8 fpasuf poas8fyaiosfapsofiH(O*PI sfafhoASU 8OPIAHILA SFJKSLHAUFISAK FJAHSl usIsAL ful asuFIUAOS IF9UARIOEAKRUPQIOWASFAKS" and i was all like  "Honey, take a chill pill.." It was totally weird. And then she said something about Trevor..Trevor..Trevor is like trying on a dress you know you look amazing in but you wouldn't say it out loud because that would be totally weird and shallow. But you are screaming on the inside about how good you look so you just stare at yourself in the mirror, motionless, staring. That's like Trevor..but he's not a dress..and i don't really stare at him but whatever who cares (me..) but yeah :D. What do i talk about now? my life..? gossip..? politics? I had to say something but i forgot while i was daydreaming about Tre..uh Trees.. anywho. Ciao and Kisses.

Love Always, Clemmie xo

Our First Entry

Our first entry we are just going to talk about this blog.

What we are is simple: 3 girls doing role play. 

We are:

Summer - the brunette/blonde who takes schoolwork very seriously. She is a big flirt (sometimes toooooooo flirty) and loves a good time. 

Luna - the brunette who is wild and crazy. She is nice to everyone -- usually.

Clementine - the sweet one with a goofy personality and auburn hair. Can be very sensitive. Not exactly on the smart side and is gullible....


The Plastics

this was made up by a certain person cough cough C

p.s. we made this blog after seeing our two friends' blog and roleplay.